935 research outputs found

    Legal Status of Accident Investigation Results of Space Activities in The Process of Enforcement of Space Law Enforcement in Indonesia: Between Procedural Justice and Substance Justice

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    Investigation findings and information obtained as a consequence of investigations cannot be treated as state secrets or utilized as evidence in court. This principle, which is followed by international aviation law, has generated controversy in Indonesian law enforcement practices, particularly when it comes to criminal and civil procedural laws, which acknowledge that the findings of investigations can serve as a foundation for further inquiries to identify suspects. The study’s findings revealed that, first, the ad hoc team’s philosophical investigation of space accidents within the framework of international law aims to determine the causes of spacecraft accidents to ensure that they don’t happen again in the future within the context of the main legal goal of benefit and justice for more people (the most people with the most happiness possible). While compensation claims are based on liability and without error (strict liability), police investigations as described in Articles 95 through 100 are intended to find criminal acts in space activities. There is no functional relationship between the two processes, so the findings of police or special team investigations cannot be used as the basis for carrying out legal actions. Given the obvious differences between the team’s investigation and the police’s investigation, there must be coordination between the technical team of the ministry and the police regarding the responsibilities and functions of these two institutions, each of which has a unique position and set of legal obligations. With this knowledge, it is believed that there won’t be any criminal prosecutions brought against the crews of spacecraft, similar to those brought against pilots in situations involving aviation accidents

    Blow-up behaviour of a fractional Adams-Moser-Trudinger type inequality in odd dimension

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    Given a smoothly bounded domain ΩRn\Omega\Subset\mathbb{R}^n with n1n\ge 1 odd, we study the blow-up of bounded sequences (uk)H00n2(Ω)(u_k)\subset H^\frac{n}{2}_{00}(\Omega) of solutions to the non-local equation (Δ)n2uk=λkuken2uk2in Ω,(-\Delta)^\frac n2 u_k=\lambda_k u_ke^{\frac n2 u_k^2}\quad \text{in }\Omega, where λkλ[0,)\lambda_k\to\lambda_\infty \in [0,\infty), and H00n2(Ω)H^{\frac n2}_{00}(\Omega) denotes the Lions-Magenes spaces of functions uL2(Rn)u\in L^2(\mathbb{R}^n) which are supported in Ω\Omega and with (Δ)n4uL2(Rn)(-\Delta)^\frac{n}{4}u\in L^2(\mathbb{R}^n). Extending previous works of Druet, Robert-Struwe and the second author, we show that if the sequence (uk)(u_k) is not bounded in L(Ω)L^\infty(\Omega), a suitably rescaled subsequence ηk\eta_k converges to the function η0(x)=log(21+x2)\eta_0(x)=\log\left(\frac{2}{1+|x|^2}\right), which solves the prescribed non-local QQ-curvature equation (Δ)n2η=(n1)!enηin Rn(-\Delta)^\frac n2 \eta =(n-1)!e^{n\eta}\quad \text{in }\mathbb{R}^n recently studied by Da Lio-Martinazzi-Rivi\`ere when n=1n=1, Jin-Maalaoui-Martinazzi-Xiong when n=3n=3, and Hyder when n5n\ge 5 is odd. We infer that blow-up can occur only if Λ:=lim supk(Δ)n4ukL22Λ1:=(n1)!Sn\Lambda:=\limsup_{k\to \infty}\|(-\Delta)^\frac n4 u_k\|_{L^2}^2\ge \Lambda_1:= (n-1)!|S^n|


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    Understanding of the Internet of Things (IoT) needs to be developed by improving basic skills using direct practice activities that stimulate learners in applying problem-solving and rapid-prototyping creative in the electronic interdisciplinary domain, networking, security, data analysis, and business. By using the engineering design process method, the student-centric approach is translated into the ability to create ideas, design, create prototypes and present IoT solutions for the needs of businesses or communities in need. The design of modules and learning tools in this study aims to facilitate understanding of concepts and become the basis for IoT development as an implementation of Industrial 4.0 revolution

    Pengembangan Bahan Ajar IPS Berbasis Discovery Learning Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Keritis Peserta Dididk Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Mendeskripsikan potret permasalahan dan kebutuhan akan bahan ajar IPS berbasis Discovery Learning   sehingga valid untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik kelas IV sekolah dasar. Mendesain bahan ajar IPS berbasis Discovery Learning   sehingga praktis untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik kelas IV sekolah dasar.  Mengukur efektivitas hasil pengembangan dan pemanfaatan bahan ajar IPS berbasis Discovery Learning   peserta didik kelas IV sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian research and development (RD). penelitian ini mengadopsi model penelitian Borg and Gall yang terdiri dari 10 tahapan yang sudah disederhanakan menjadi 6 tahapan yaitu, (Studi Pendahuluan, Penyusunan Desain Pengembangan Bahan Ajar, Validasi, Revisi.  Evaluasi, dan Implementasi). Adapun penelitian dan pengembangan yaitu: Tahap Studi pendahuluan, Uji Coba Produk sekala kecil, Uji Coba Produk Sekala besar. Peran dan fungsi validasi pakar ahli pada tahap pengembangan, menjadi dasar studi kelayakan produk, tanggapan pengguna menjadi dasar menetapkan kepraktisan produk, sedangkan data hasil pretest dan posttest pada tahap implementasi menjadi dasar menetapkan efektivitas produk. Hasil validasi pakar ahli materi nilai rata-rata 3,60, pakar ahli  bahasa nilai rata-rata 3,00, pakar ahli tehnologi nilai rata-rata 3,60 dan nilai 183, rata-rata tanggapan pengguna 3,75, dengan standar nilai maksimal (skor ideal) 4,0. Dengan demikian validasi produk secara komprehensif mendapat skor nilai rata-rata 3,40 Dengan kategori kualitas (sangat baik). Sedangkan hasil analisis uji efektivitas produk menggunakan analisis NGain score mendapat gain score mean 0,71

    Sistem Informasi Jurnal Online Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan

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    AbstractBalikpapan State Polytechnic currently has a scientific journal that has been published on a regular basis, but so far it is still used in some print media have limited side to create and publish. Along with the development of information technology today, we need a media that can help the print media is limited by the online system. The objective and target of this research are to design, build and test online scientific journal of state Polytechnic of Balikpapan. Selection of online media is used to be accessible anytime and anywhere. With the online journal of information systems State Polytechnic of Balikpapan is to provide convenience in the management of information systems journals and the development of information technology in the field of online publishing.Keywords: Information System, Online JournalAbstrakPoliteknik Negeri Balikpapan saat ini sudah memiliki jurnal ilmiah yang sudah terbit secara berkala, namun sejauh ini masih menggunakan media cetak yang dalam beberapa sisi memiliki keterbatasan untuk membuat dan menerbitkannya. Seiring dengan perkembangn teknologi informasi dewasa ini maka diperlukan suatu media yang dapat membantu keterbatasan media cetak yaitu dengan sistem online. Tujuan dan target penelitian ini adalah untuk merancang, membuat dan menguji jurnal ilmiah online Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan. Pemilihan media online digunakan agar dapat diakses kapan dan dimana saja. Dengan adanya sistem informasi jurnal online Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan ini dapat memberikan kemudahan dalam pengelolaan sistem informasi jurnal dan pengembangan teknologi informatika dalam bidang penerbitan onlineKata Kunci: Sistem Informasi, Jurnal Onlin

    Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik Berbasis Ekopedagogi untuk Siswa Sekolah Dasar Kelas VI

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan: 1) mengembangkan Lembar Kegiatan Peserta Didik (LKPD) berbasis Ekopedagogi pada kelas VI Sekolah Dasar (SD); 2) mengetahui validitas produk pengembangan LKPD berbasis Ekopedagogi; dan 3) mengetahui efektivitas produk hasil pengembangan LKPD berbasis Ekopedagogi pada kelas VI Sekolah Dasar Negeri 4 Perian. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah research and Develoment (RD) dengan menggunakan model 4D dengan tahapan Define, Design, Develop, dan Desimination. Karena keterbatasan waktu dan subjek riset, maka penelitian ini hanya sampai tahapan Develop. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari 3 orang validator (validator materi, desain, dan bahasa), 10 orang siswa untuk uji kelompok kecil serta 20 siswa untuk uji kelompok besar. Analisis validasi ahli dan respon siswa menggunakan tabulasi dan skor, sedangkan analisis efektifitas menggunakan N-Gain Skor. Hasil penelitian dan pengembangan menunjukkan validitas materi sangat valid dengan skor 93%, validitas desain sangat valid dengan skor 90%, dan validitas bahasa sangat valid dengan skor 91%. Uji kelompok kecil juga menunjukkan angka sangat baik dengan skor tanggapan terendah 94% dan yang tertinggi 100%. Efektivitas produk LKPD Berbasis Ekopedagogi cukup efektif digunakan dalam pembelajaran dengan nilai N-Gain 0,57 (sedang). Pengembangan lebih lanjut disarankan pengembangan dalam bentuk platform digital

    Damage Detection Using a Graph-based Adaptive Threshold for Modal Strain Energy and Improved Water Strider Algorithm

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    Damage detection through an inverse optimization problem has been investigated by many researchers. Recently, Modal Strain Energy (MSE) has been utilized as an index (MSEBI) for damage localization that serves to guide the optimization. This guided approach considerably reduces the computational cost and increases the accuracy of optimization. Although this index mostly exhibits an acceptable performance, it fails to find some damaged elements' locations in some cases. The aim of this paper is twofold. Firstly, a Graph-based Adaptive Threshold (GAT) is proposed to identify some of those elements that are not detected by basic MSEBI. GAT relies on the concepts from graph theory and MSE working as a simple anomaly detection technique. Secondly, an Improved version of the Water Strider Algorithm (IWSA) is introduced, applied to the damage detection problems with incomplete modal data and noise-contaminated inputs. Several optimization algorithms, including the newly-established Water Strider Algorithm (WSA), are utilized to test the proposed method. The investigations on several damage detection problems demonstrate the GAT and IWSA's satisfactory performance compared to the previous methods

    Dynamic Water Strider Algorithm for Optimal Design of Skeletal Structures

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    In the present paper, a dynamic version of Water Strider Algorithm (WSA) is proposed. The WSA as well as the Dynamic Water Strider Algorithm (DWSA) are applied to minimize the weight of several skeletal structures. WSA is a nature-inspired metaheuristic that mimics the territorial behavior, intelligent ripple communication, mating style, feeding mechanisms, and succession of water strider insects. The efficiency of these algorithms is tested by optimizing different truss and frame structures subject to multiple loading conditions and constraints. Comparing the results obtained by DWSA with those of other methods it becomes evident that DWSA is a suitable technique for optimizing the structural design and minimizing the weight of structures while fulfilling all constraints


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    Ada perbedaan antara sistem operasi Windows Server dan sistem operasi Windows biasa untuk desktop (Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, dan sebagainya). Tentu ada hal yang khusus diciptakan pada sistem operasi dengan kernel server. Tujuan utamanya adalah menyediakan sistem operasi untuk dedicated server yang membutuhkan kestabilan tinggi untuk beroperasi secara terus menerus: 24 jam sehari, 7 hari seminggu, 52 minggu setahun.Sistem Operasi Windows Server telah berevolusi dari Windows 3.1 for Workgroup di tahun 1992, kemudian Windows NT Server pada tahun 1995, Windows 2000 Server, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, dan yang terbaru Windows Server 2016. Tidak hanya kestabilan operasi yang dimiliki oleh Windows Server, tetapi juga fitur-fitur tipikal server yang berguna untuk mengelola jaringan komputer. Salah satu yang terpenting adalah Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) yang dapat menyimpan directory data dan mengelola komunikasi antara users dan domains, termasuk proses user login, otentikasi, dan pencarian directory. Domain Controller Active Directory adalah server yang menjalankan AD DS.AD DS menyediakan basis data yang terdistribusi (distributed database) yang menyimpan dan mengelola informasi tentang sumber daya jaringan dan aplikasi. Administrator dapat menggunakan AD DS untuk mengatur elemen-elemen jaringan, seperti user, komputer, dan perangkat lainnya ke dalam struktur yang berhirarki. Struktur hirarki  tersebut berupa Active Directory forest, domain dalam forest, dan Organizational Units(OUs) pada domain